---------------__ GeometricaIContructions 4.31
The curve through A, PI' P 2 , P 3 and P 4 is the required involute.
A P 4 is equal to the perimeter of the square.
Note: To draw a normal and tangent to the curve at any point, say M on it, as M lies on the arc
P l4 with its centre at A, the line AMN is the normal and the line TT drawn through M and
perpendicular to MA is the tangent to the curve.
Involutes of a triangle, Pentagon and Hexagon are shown Figs 4.45 to 47
To draw an involute of a given circle of radus R.
a \
L ____ -¥~------~~-------~P4 4 X a
Fig. 4.44
Construction (Fig. 4.48)
- With 0 as centre and radius R, draw the given circle.
- Taking P as the starting point, draw the tangent PA equal in length to the circumference of
the circle. - Divide the line PA and the circle into the same number of equal pats and number the points.
- Draw tangents to the circle at the points 1,2,3 etc., and locate the points PI' P 2 , P 3 etc., such
that !PI = PI 1, 2P2 = P21 etc.
A smooth curve through the points P, PI' P 2 etc., is the required involute.
Note: - The tangent to the circle is a normal to the involute. Hence, to draw a normal and tangent at
a point M on it, first draw the tangent BMN to the circle. This is the normal to the curve and