Mother Teresa: A Biography

(Nandana) #1

Hamsen, Armauer, 86
Hansen’s disease. Seeleprosy
Hell’s Angel: Mother Teresa of Cal-
cutta(Ali), 125–28, 130, 138
Henry VIII, 14
Henry, Julien, S.J., 21, 31, 34, 40,
47, 50, 54, 56, 59
Hindu, 15, 22, 26, 42, 45, 53,
68–70, 72, 82, 93, 135. See also
specific Hindu Deities and festi-
Hitchens, Christopher, 125–30,
Holy Family Hospital, 35, 36, 38
Hoxha, Enver, 126
Hunkin, Oliver, 102

India, British conquest of, 22–23;
British government of, 22–25;
caste system, 134–35; English
presence in, 75–76; European
colonization of, 22; Hindu-
Muslim conflict in, 26–27, 42;
independence movement in,
22, 23–24, 26; independence of,
23–24, 42, 111
Indian Mutiny. SeeSepoy Revolt
Indian National Congress, 23–24,
Ingendaa, Stephanie, 34–35, 38
Inspiration Day, 27, 29, 48
Institute of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, 10, 13, 14, 15. See also
Loreto Sisters
In the Name of God’s Poor(La
Pierre), 138
Irish Sisters of Charity, 64
Islam, in Balkans, 2–3; in India,
15, 22, 25–26, 70, 72; in Pak-
istan, 42
Italy, 2, 14, 104, 109

Jackson, Glenda, 124
Jambrekovic, Franjo, 9, 10
Jesuits, history of, 4, 14; mission-
ary work of, 9, 15; model for
Loreto Sisters, 14; model for
Missionaries of Charity, 49
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 26
John XXIII (Pope), 60, 95, 96
John Paul II (Pope), xii, 118, 124,
125, 135, 136, 137
Johnson, Paul, 127
Johnston, George Sim, 129
Jubilee: A Magazine for the Church,

Kali, 68–70, 83
Kalighat, 68, 94
Kanjc, Betika, 11, 16
Kastrioti, Gjergj. SeeSkenderbeg
Keating, Charles, 128
Kennedy, Edward, 113
Kennedy, John F., 94
King, Martin Luther Jr., 115
Knox, James Robert
(Archbishop), 96
Kolodiejchuk, Brian, 137–38
Kosovo, 3, 6

La Pierre, Dominique, 124, 138
Las Vegas, NV, 92–93
Lay Missionaries of Charity, 140
Leprosy, 84–86
Little Sisters of the Poor, 39–40,
London, 74, 94, 102, 103, 106,
107, 110, 121
Longley, Clifford, 130
Loreto Sisters, history of, 13–16;
growth of, 14, 15; mission of,
13–20; model for Missionaries
of Charity, 49; Mother Teresa’s
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