Essentials of Ecology

(Darren Dugan) #1


Other student learning tools include:
■ Essential Study Skills for Science Students by Daniel D.
Chiras. This book includes chapters on developing
good study habits, sharpening memory, getting the
most out of lectures, labs, and reading assignments,
improving test-taking abilities, and becoming a
critical thinker. Available for students on instructor
■ Lab Manual. New to this edition, this lab manual
includes both hands-on and data analysis labs to
help your students develop a range of skills. Cre-
ate a custom version of this Lab Manual by adding
labs you have written or ones from our collection
with Cengage Custom Publishing. An Instructor’s
Manual for the labs will be available to adopters.
■ What Can You Do? This guide presents students with
a variety of ways that they can affect the environ-
ment, and shows them how to track the effect their
actions have on their ecological footprint. Available
for students on instructor request.

Supplements for Instructors

■ PowerLecture. This DVD, available to adopters,
allows you to create custom lectures in Microsoft®
PowerPoint using lecture outlines, all of the figures
and photos from the text, bonus photos, and ani-
mations from CengageNOW. PowerPoint’s editing
tools allow use of slides from other lectures, modi-
fication or removal of figure labels and leaders,
insertion of your own slides, saving slides as JPEG
images, and preparation of lectures for use on
the Web.
■ Instructor’s Manual. Available to adopters. Updated
and reorganized, the Instructor’s Manual has been
thoughtfully revised to make creating your lectures
even easier. Some of the features new to this edi-
tion include the integration of the case studies and
feature boxes into the lecture outline, a new sec-
tion on teaching tips, and a revised video reference
list with web resources. Also available on Power-
■ Test Bank. Available to Adopters. The test bank
contains thousands of questions and answers in
a variety of formats. New to this edition are short
essay questions to further challenge your students’
understanding of the topics. Also available on
■ Transparencies. Featuring all the illustrations from
the chapters, this set contains 250 printed Transpar-
encies of key figures, and 250 electronic Masters.
These electronic Masters will allow you to print, in
color, only those additional figures you need.

■ ABC Videos for Environmental Science. The 45 infor-
mative and short video clips cover current news
stories on environmental issues from around the
world. These clips are a great way to start a lecture
or spark a discussion. Available on DVD with a
workbook, on the PowerLecture, and in Cengage-
NOW with additional internet activities.
■ ExamView. This full-featured program helps you
create and deliver customized tests (both print and
online) in minutes, using its complete word pro-
cessing capabilities.

Other Textbook Options

Instructors wanting a book with a different length and
emphasis can use one of our three other books that we
have written for various types of environmental science
courses:Living in the Environment, 16th edition (
pages, Brooks/Cole 2009), Environmental Science, 12th
edition (430 pages, Brooks/Cole 2008), and Sustaining
the Earth: An Integrated Approach, 9th edition (339 pages,
Brooks/Cole, 2009).

Help Us Improve This Book

Let us know how you think this book can be improved.
If you find any errors, bias, or confusing explanations,
please e-mail us about them at

[email protected]
[email protected]

Most errors can be corrected in subsequent print-
ings of this edition, as well as in future editions.


We wish to thank the many students and teachers who
have responded so favorably to the 4 previous editions
ofEssentials of Ecology, 15 previous editions of Living in
the Environment, the 12 editions of Environmental Science,
and the 8 editions of Sustaining the Earth, and who have
corrected errors and offered many helpful suggestions
for improvement. We are also deeply indebted to the
more than 295 reviewers, who pointed out errors and
suggested many important improvements in the vari-
ous editions of these four books. We especially want to
thank the reviewers of the latest edition of this book,
who are identified by an asterisk in the master list of
reviewers on pp. xx–xxii.
It takes a village to produce a textbook, and the
members of the talented production team, listed on the
copyright page, have made vital contributions as well.
Our special thanks go to developmental editor Chris-
topher Delgado, production editors Andy Marinkovich
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