Essentials of Ecology

(Darren Dugan) #1


India, slowing population growth in, 136–37
Indicator species, 92, 93
Individuals matter, 9, 22
Aldo Leopold, 22b
Jane Goodall, 205b
Jim Callender, 266b
Reuven Yosef, 261b
Wangari Maathai, 230b
Individual transfer rights (ITRs), 264
Inductive reasoning, 32
Industrial fi sh harvesting, 256–57, 256f
Industrial–medical revolution, 16
Inertia, 119
Infant mortality rate, 128, 129
Information–globalization revolution, 16
Inhibition, 118
Inland wetlands, 178 –79
losses in United States, 179
Inorganic compounds, 38
Input pollution control (pollution
prevention), 17
Inputs, in systems, 44
Insects, importance of, 54b
Instrumental value (of species), 189 –91
Integrated coastal management, 173, 262–63
Interactions among species, 101–7
types, 101
commensalism, 106
competition, 101–2
mutualism, 106
parasitism, 105
predation, 102–104
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), 33b
International Convention for the Regulation of
Whaling, 258
International Convention on Biological
Diversity, 257
International Fund for Animal Welfare, 204
International treaties, to protect wild species,
206–7, 257
International Union for the Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 186,
260, 262
International Whaling Commission (IWC), 258
Interspecifi c competition, 101
Intertidal zone, 168 –69, 169f, 170 f
Intrinsic rate of increase (r) in populations, 109
Intrinsic value, 191
Introduced species, 197–201
Invasive species, 92, 197–201
controlling, 201, 201f
in aquatic systems, 252, 252f, 253 b,269–70
in forests, 221–22, 221f
Ionic compounds, 36
Ions, 36 –37, 37f
important to environmental science, 37t
Irregular population changes, 113
Irruptive population cycles, 113
Island biogeography, theory of, 90 b, 188 b, 194
Islands, species richness on, 90b
Isotopes, 36
radioactive, 40
unstable, 40
Israel, artifi cial reef in, 261b
IUCN-World Conservation Union, 96
Ivory trade, 191b

Jane Goodall Institute, 205b
Janzen, Daniel, 242b

Groundwater, 65
Guanacaste National Park, 242b
Gut inhabitant mutualism, 106

Habitat, 53
destruction, degradation, and fragmentation,
Habitat conservation plan (HCP), 207
Habitat islands, 90b, 193
Habitat corridors, 237
Haiti, and fuelwood crisis, 229
Halpern, Benjamin S., 252
Halweil, Brian, 272
Harden, Garrett, 13
Harvesting of trees, 219f
Hawken, Paul, 123
Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003
(U.S.), 228
Heat, 41 –42
Heinz Foundation, 74
Herbivores, 59
Heritable genetic trait, 82
Heterotrophs, 59
Higher-level consumers, 59
High-quality energy, 42, 56
High-quality matter, 39, 39 f
High seas, 260
HIPPCO,193,251, 252, 254, 269
Hoegh-Guldberg, O., 172
Home Depot, 231
Honeybees disappearing, 202–3
Honeycreepers, resource sharing and, 108, 108f
Horwich, Robert, 244
Hotspots, 207
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, 28, 28f,
37 f, 47
Human population
factors affecting size of, 125–130
growth of, 5, 5f, 124 b
growth projections, 125f
impact of, 122–37
slowing growth, 133–37
Human species
competing for resources, 102
effects on freshwater ecosystems, 179
effects on marine ecosystems, 171–73
effects on terrestrial ecosystems, 158–59
mass extinction and, 183
natural selection and, 83
population controls and, 114
role in extinction of species, 184–89, 193–206
Hunt, Terry L., 31
Hunter-gatherers, 16
Hurricane Katrina, 177–78
New Orleans and fl ood control, 177–78
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, 51
Hydrocarbons, 38
Hydrogen bonds, 67b
Hydrologic cycle, 65, 66 f
Hydrosphere, 55
Hydrothermal vents, 59
Hypereutrophic (lake), 176
Hypothesis, scientifi c, 30
vs. theory, 32

Immigration, 129
United States and, 129–30, 129f
Inbreeding, 113
Incandescent lightbulb, 43

Genetic engineering, 88 b
Genetic information, 38, 190
Genetic makeup of population, changes in, 81–82
Genetic resistance, 82, 83f
Genetic traits, changing, 88 b
Genetic variability, 82
Geographic information system (GIS) software,
72–73, 73f
Geographic isolation, 86, 87 f
Geological processes and evolution, 84, 85f
Geosphere, 55
Geothermal energy, 59
Glaciers, 65
Global air circulation, 142f
Global Amphibian Assessment, 94
Global Earth Observatory System of Systems
(GEOSS), 73
Global Footprint Network, 14
Global ocean, 163
Global Treaty on Migratory Species, 257
Global warming, 57, 68, 144. See also Climate
burning of tropical forests and, 226–27
environmental refugees and, 129
extinction of toad, frog species and, 87
forests and, 222, 222f
Louisiana coast and, 178, 178f
permafrost and, 150, 152
polar bears and, 203
scientifi c consensus on, 33b
as threat to kelp forests, 104b
Golden Gate Park, 244
Golden toad, 87, 87f
Gombe National Park, 205b
Goodall, Jane, 204, 205b
Grasslands, 150
management of, 231–33
types of, 150–152, 151f
Gravity, 56
Gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park,
reintroducing, 214, 235b, 245
Graying of America, 132
Grazing and urban development in American
West, 233
Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 262f
Great Lakes and invasive species, 269–70, 269f
Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the
Experience (Maathai), 230b
Green Belt program in Kenya, 230b
Green careers
bioprospector, 190
ecologist, 72
ecosystem modeler, 73
ecotourism guide, 190
fi shery management, 271
GIS analyst, 73
limnology, 271
paleontologist, 81
reconciliation ecology specialist, 244
remote sensing analyst, 73
rooftop garden designer, 244
sustainable forestry, 227
wetlands restoration expert, 266
wildlife biology, 271
Greenhouse effect, 144
Greenhouse gases, 33b,54,57, 144
warming of lower atmosphere and, 144
Grizzly bears and army cutworm moths, 102
Gross national product (GDP), 10
Gross primary productivity (GPP), 64

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