How To Sell Yourself

(vip2019) #1
Selling Yourself in the Classroom 129

  • They should leave their personal problems and nonteach-
    ing responsibilities behind.

  • They should remember that the student has never heard
    any of this before.

  • They should make an event out of the class.

  • If they enjoy themselves, their students will enjoy them-
    selves—and learn.

  • Above all, they could get more attention and have
    greater impact if they stopped thinking about them-
    selves as disciplinarians and remembered that their func-
    tion is communication.
    Again, if whoever is in the front of the room isn’t communi-
    cating, that person is not a teacher. That’s why I like to think of
    teaching not merely as a speaking process, but as a selling process

In no profession more than the teaching profession are these
words more meaningful:

No one has the right to be dull.
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