How To Sell Yourself

(vip2019) #1
Appendix 195

Beware of the buzzword trap.

Don’t blurt out a denial. Tell a story that relevantly contra-
dicts the error.

Be simple.

Get rid of jargon and deliver conversation, not literature. Re-
member Churchill: “Short words are the best and short words
when old are best of all.”

Be proud.

If you’ve done something good, tell us.

Maintain eye contact.

When your eyes are all over the place, it’s hard to like you or
trust you. Look at your interviewer as you speak.

Open your face—raise those eyebrows—show your eyes.

It’s an expression that says, “I care.”

Smile when it’s appropriate and genuine.

It says, “I like you.”


It’s the communicator’s equivalent of a hug. It shows you re-
ally want your audience to share your message.

Be memorable.

Use stories, anecdotes, examples, similes, and metaphors. Paint
word pictures.


Involve your audience.

Lustberg on...

Speaker tips.

Be yourself.

  • Speak in a quiet, conversational voice.

  • Talk, chat, converse, and communicate.

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