34 How to Sell Yourself
What they need to know
The perfect example of this concept was the prosecution’s
case presenting the DNA evidence in the O.J. Simpson criminal
trial. I believe the prosecutors spent more than two weeks on DNA
matters. It seemed interminable.
When the trial began, most Americans had no idea what the
letters “DNA” stood for. In fact, we still don’t know what the
letters spell out. As the trial progressed, the presentation of the
DNA evidence was endless.
The jury’s eyes glazed over.
The testimony became meaningless.
There was simply nothing to hold on to.
Then, of course, the defense took advantage of the impossibly
dull DNA testimony of experts and called on lots more of them to
take the jurors off life supports.
Short, quick, and to the point
What about this approach:
A chart depicting three distinct DNA symbols marked “A,”
“B,” and “C” is placed in the front of the courtroom.
Prosecutor: Dr. Brooks, are you considered an expert on DNA
Doctor: Yes.
P: Is there a simple way to describe what DNA is?
D: It’s like a genetic identification bracelet.
P: Doctor, is it accepted as accurate identification in criminal
trials and accepted as admissible evidence?
D: It has been in trials I’ve participated in as a witness.
P: Doctor, looking at the chart here, is figure “A” the defendant’s
DNA symbol?
D: Yes.
P: Is “B” the symbol of the murdered woman?
D: Yes.
P: Is “C” the symbol identifying the murdered man?
D: Yes.
P: Doctor, is it likely that a DNA symbol of anyone in this room
would exactly match any of these three?