On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

Fruits and vegetables
contaminated by water
Yersinia Sprouts contaminated by water
Cyclospora (protozoa) Berries, lettuce
Hepatitis viruses Strawberries, scallions
The prudent consumer will thoroughly
wash all produce, including fruits whose skins
will be discarded (knives and fingers can
introduce surface bacteria to the flesh). Soapy
water and commercial produce washes are
more effective than water alone. Washing can
reduce microbial populations a hundredfold,
but it’s impossible to eliminate all microbes
from uncooked lettuce and other produce β€”
they can evade even heavily chlorinated water
by hiding in microscopic pores and cracks in
the plant tissue. Raw salads are therefore not
advised for people who are especially
vulnerable to infections. Once fruits and
vegetables have been cut up, they should be
kept refrigerated and used as soon as possible.

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