On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

and mildness. Their smaller relatives mizuna
and mibuna form low, spreading clumps of
long, narrow leaves, those of mizuna being
finely divided and feathery. Tatsoi makes a
rosette of rounded leaves. These small leaves
do well as additions to Western salads; they
tolerate storage and dressings better than
more delicate lettuces.

Spinach and Chard

Spinach Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a
member of the beet family that was
domesticated in central Asia, and is most
productive in the cool seasons (heat and long
days cause it to go to seed while it has
relatively few leaves). In the late Middle Ages
the Arabs brought it to Europe, where it soon
displaced its smaller-leaved relatives orache
and lamb’s-quarters, as well as amaranth and
sorrel. In the classic cuisine of France,
spinach was likened to cire-vierge, or virgin

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