circumference where the oil surface cooks the
dough less thoroughly. Doughnuts are fried at
a moderate temperature, originally in lard and
now usually in a hydrogenated vegetable
shortening, which solidifies when the
doughnut cools to provide a dry rather than
oily surface.
Thin Batter Foods:
CrÊpes, Popovers, Griddle
Cakes, Cream Puff Pastry
Batter Foods
The difference between doughs and batters is
reflected in their names. Dough comes from a
root meaning “to form,” while batter comes
from a root meaning “to beat.” Doughs are
firm enough to develop and sculpt by hand.
Batters are too fluid and elusive to hold, so we
contain them in a bowl, mix them by battering
them repeatedly from within — by stirring —