On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

foreign molds (Aspergillus versicolor,
Penicillium viridicatum and P. cyclopium)
may occasionally develop on their rinds and
contaminate them to the depth of up to an
inch/2 cm. This problem appears to be very
rare, but does make it advisable to discard
cheeses overgrown with unusual mold.

Amines There is one normal microbial
product that can cause discomfort to some
people. In a strongly ripened cheese, the
casein proteins are broken down to amino
acids, and the amino acids can be broken
down into amines, small molecules that can
serve as chemical signals in the human body.
Histamine and tyramine are found in large
quantities in Cheddar, blue, Swiss, and Dutch-
style cheeses, and can cause a rise in blood
pressure, headaches, and rashes in people who
are especially sensitive to them.

Tooth Decay Finally, it has been recognized
for decades that eating cheese slows tooth

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