A Medieval Omelet and English Cream
Arboulastre (An Omelet)
[First prepare mixed herbs, including rue,
tansy, mint, sage, marjoram, fennel,
parsley, violet leaves, spinach, lettuce,
clary, ginger.] Then have seven eggs well
beaten together, yolks and whites, and mix
with the herbs. Then divide in two and
make two allumelles, which are fried in the
following manner. First you heat your
frying pan well with oil, butter, or
whatever fat you like. When it is well
heated, especially toward the handle, mix
and cast your eggs upon the pan, and turn
frequently with a paddle over and under;
then throw some good grated cheese on
top. Know that it is done thus because if
you mix the cheese with the eggs and
herbs, when you fry the allumelle, the
cheese that is underneath sticks to the
pan.... And when your herbs are fried in
the pan, shape your arboulastre into a