On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

cutting meat.

Procedures Meat animals are generally
slaughtered as untraumatically as possible.
Each animal is stunned, usually with a blow or
electrical discharge to the head, and then is
hung up by the legs. One or two of the major
blood vessels in the neck are cut, and the
animal bleeds to death while unconscious. As
much blood as possible (about half) is
removed to decrease the risk of spoilage.
(Rarely, as in the French Rouen duck, blood is
retained in the animal to deepen the meat’s
flavor and color.) After bleeding, cattle and
lamb heads are removed, the hides stripped
off, the carcasses cut open, and the inner
organs removed. Pig carcasses remain intact
until they have been scalded, scraped and
singed to remove bristles; the head and
innards are then removed, but the skin is left
in place.

Food    Words:  Game    and Venison
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