On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

small and medium-sized lean fish that
reproduce rapidly and can be netted in schools
near the surface. They also provide most of
the world’s canned tuna, with the solitary
light-fleshed albacore (Hawaiian tombo)
giving “white” tuna. (Italian canned tuna is
often made from the darker, stronger bluefin
and from the dark portions of skipjack.)

Mackerels The mackerels are small relatives
of the tunas. The mackerel proper is a native
of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean,
typically 18 inches/45cm long and 1–2 lb/0.5–
1 kg. Like the tuna, it’s an energetic predator,
with a large complement of red fibers, active
enzymes, and an assertive flavor. It is usually
netted in large numbers and sold whole, and
deteriorates rapidly unless immediately and
thoroughly iced.


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