The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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organs and systems are functioning is also important. Some sort of
healing crisis is to be expected, and for this a support network of
friends or relatives can be of great help.

Stage 1

If you are constipated, then this is the preparation phase. Begin with one
chamomile and cascara capsule just after supper. The following day you
should notice an increase in your peristaltic bowel action and in the
amount of fecal matter that you eliminate, the consistency of which
should be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel
behavior or the difference wasn’t dramatic enough, the dosage should be
increased to two capsules the following night. You can continue to
increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a
satisfactory increase. Then continue at the same level for a couple of days
before progressing to stage 2. It has taken most of us years to create a
sluggish bowel, so be patient and allow time to get the dosage right.
Note: If you already have regular bowel movements (one to two daily
with ease), then start with barberry capsules and build up in the same way.
(Suggested dose: two barberry capsules and one chamomile and cascara
capsule nightly.) You should be in regular contact with your herbal
practitioner during this cleanse, and contact him or her immediately if
you experience any pain.

Stage 2

Introduce clay and fl axseed powder into the program. Take^1 ⁄ 2 to 1
teaspoon of clay and fl axseed powder one to fi ve times daily, according to
your individual needs.

  • Take the fi rst dose one hour after a light breakfast of fruit or vegeta-
    ble juice and springwater (with lemon juice, if desired). Drink imme-
    diately after mixing.

  • Repeat midmorning, lunchtime, midafternoon, and before supper as
    While taking the powder, increase the amount of chamomile and cascara
    capsules by one or two nightly to ease through the bulk created by the
    swelling powder. If you fi nd that fi ve teaspoons of powder a day is too tax-
    ing to your body (for instance, if you get headaches or bloating), you can
    slow the cleanse down. Reduce the amount of clay and fl axseed powder to
    a level that you fi nd comfortable, such as two or three teaspoons a day, al-
    though even one or a half teaspoon a day will be benefi cial. With lower
    doses like one teaspoon a day, some people sprinkle the powder into drinks
    or onto food, making a very easy way to perform the cleanse.
    If you start to experience uncomfortable physical or emotional

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