bodies of overweight people. Most people have fatty tissue, especially
women. All these toxins can be potential cancer promoters. There are at
least fi fty thousand environmentally harmful chemicals in use causing
daily problems, and most of these are unlikely ever to be investigated.
There are approximately fi fty thousand pesticides alone used around
homes, schools, and workplaces. Levels of car exhaust fumes are steadily
increasing: approximately thirty thousand new cars are put on the road
worldwide every twenty-four hours. This knowledge should give us a
strong incentive to take regular care of our bodies by cleansing and
detoxifying just to keep pace with all the poisons that fl ood our systems,
no matter how careful we try
to be.
Hints and Tips When Eliminating Certain Foods
Emotional effects Coffee
Coffee is a strong masker of flagging energies,
and these will now be felt, sometimes making it
hard to concentrate. You may feel sad, de-
pressed, or angry as the liver starts to detoxify.
You can also feel dizzy, anxious, or nervous. Irri-
tability, insomnia, and depression can be other
Physical effects The bowel will become more lazy because of
a lack of morning peristaltic stimulation pro-
vided by the coffee. Headaches (throbbing, pres-
sure), nausea (vomiting), and other such “liver-
ish” side effects may be felt.
Tips and procedures
to help the detoxifi -
cation process Reduce the daily number of cups and gradually
decrease the strength of the coffee used. Decaf-
feinated coffee can be an intermediate crutch, but
only briefly. For energy lows that come through
lack of coffee’s stimulating effects, take rosemary
leaf tea and tincture of prickly ash berry and bark
until the crisis is over. A few drops of lobelia leaf
tincture will help balance and calm nerves, de-
creasing the overall need. Ensure that the bowels
are moving daily and that the liver is supported
via liver drinks once or twice a week. Drink plenty
of water and herb teas — dandelion root, cham o-
mile flower, and burdock root — in order to flush
the body out. St John’s wort flower can help
some people with depression (and valerian root
will aid sleep if needed). Dance or some other
104 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition