The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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immunity 115

or attract and will affect you, other people, animals, insects, plants,
stones — anything that has a vibration of its own. It is possible to hurt
yourself with your own unhappy, angry, or depressed feelings because, by
bringing this kind of emotional pain into your heart, you cause a kind of
internal poisoning. If your childhood has been spent alongside parents or
close relations who were often sad, angry, in pain, or depressed, this can
affect your adult system. Your present immunity pattern may have
something to do with early negative vibrations. Nevertheless, recognition
that a parent or close friend was indeed emotionally disturbed can have a
liberating effect. You can accept that this was the way it was in the past,
and then move on.
We are beginning to explore such taboo subjects as sex, hopefully
creating a society that is less sexually ignorant and more sexually loving,
mature, and aware. Children treated with love and respect, who are
accustomed to being listened to and responded to with freedom of
knowledge about their bodies, their sexuality, life, and death, are more
likely to grow up feeling relaxed in relationships and having the ability to
recognize unhealthy vibrations in other people more quickly, rather than
becoming victims who are unable to move on. People who have known
and been surrounded by positive experiences as children will have that
valuable asset, self-esteem. They will feel a balanced confi dence and,
being more whole, will be able to cry, laugh, grieve, feel, play, be silent, be
noisy, and experience all the rainbow of emotions without becoming
overly stuck in any one corner.
There are various ways to learn the art of maintaining genuinely good
feelings most of the time, and this brings your lifestyle into the spotlight.
Do you enjoy your job, your lover, your children, your neighbors? If not,
then change one or another of them, or change yourself. Whichever
initial approach you take, however, you’ll need to spend time on yourself.
Some form of meditation will have to become a part of you and your life.
Without this, emotional or physical pain will be an unwanted companion.
Understand that bad feelings hurt you, and bad feelings against someone
vibrate most strongly back at you, so it is vital to transform this state.
Counseling and voicing your problems can be very helpful, but to remain
stuck in this mode for years merely becomes another excuse to avoid
yourself. Meditation has the knack of allowing you to gain an
understanding of yourself.
Physical pain is nagging, but is made worse by wishing to jump out of
it. Exploring it and making peace with it can bring about a huge
transformation. Of course, terror, fear, and anger usually hinder this
transformation, but with time, guidance, and practice, it can become a

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