The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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124 immunity 124 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

homemade immune supporter and fighter — “hooch”

This formula is a modern-day plague remedy, stimulating the blood while
detoxifying. It benefi ts from being made on the new moon, then strained
on the full moon, approximately fourteen days later.

  • Fill a jar three-quarters full with equal parts of chopped fresh garlic,
    chopped fresh white onion (or the hottest type available), grated fresh
    gingerroot, chopped fresh horseradish if available, and chopped fresh
    chile peppers (the hottest available, such as African bird peppers).
    Other additions might be mustard seeds and black pepper.

  • Top the jar with organic apple cider vinegar, cover, and shake vigor-

  • Let stand in a warm, dark place for two weeks.

  • Filter the mixture through muslin or a fi ne sieve and keep the liquid.
    (You can leave some of the mixture unsieved and use it as a delicious
    hot relish with food.)

  • Keep the liquid in the refrigerator.

  • Dosage: one to two teaspoons two or more times daily. Gargle and
    then swallow.

Book List

The Book of Sound Therapy by Olivea Dewhurst-Maddock (London: Gaia
Books, 1993)

Echinacea by Jill Rosemary Davies (Boston, Massachusetts: Element
Books, 1999)

Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria
by Stephen Buhner (Dublin, Ireland: New Leaf, 2000)

Laughter, the Best Medicine by Robert Holden (London: Thorsons, 1993)

Olive Leaf Extract by Dr. Morten Walker (New York: Kensington Books,

Ginseng by Jill Rosemary Davies (Boston, Massachusetts: Element Books,

Tumeric and the Healing Curcuminoids by Muhammed Majeed, Vladimir
Badnaer, and Frank Murray (New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publish-
ing, Inc., 1996)

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