life stages 137
reactions to them. During adolescence, a great many new hormones are
circulating in the system, dramatically affecting the whole energy of the
body, along with moods and feelings. I feel that in cultures in which the
passage of maturing into adulthood was traditionally celebrated, this
recognition of the transition may have served to create for adolescents a
greater understanding of the immense challenges that lay before them. To
honor, respect, and take note of this phase publicly can only be benefi cial,
lending self-confi dence, self-worth, and a sense of responsibility — all of
which are very empowering, especially when the going gets tough.
Unacknowledged puberty can be a chaotic and anxious time in which
nature’s blossoming is left denied, instead of enjoyed and celebrated.
Young men and women need to know they are special at this time. Denial
of this passage can lead to many problems, including anorexia, bulimia,
and liver problems.
The liver plays an important role for menstruating young women and
for those who are not yet menstruating but are cyclic. The liver produces
many of the sex-related hormones itself as well as processing others that
are produced elsewhere in the body. Occasionally, and particularly
premenstrually when progesterone is high, the liver becomes congested
with excess hormones. Unable for one reason or another to deal with
them, the liver becomes sluggish. Toxins accumulate as a result of this
incapacitation, and things can go from bad to worse. The liver is joyful if
functioning properly and angry and depressed if overworked and
underfunctioning, so at key hormone times, it can become quite an
emotional time bomb. The liver can also work in harmony or at cross-
purposes with the spleen, and both are worth looking at together on a
regular and frequent basis.
The kidneys must also function well and, along with the adrenal
glands, may need to be supported in times of stress, as weakness in these
organs will adversely affect hormone production. In this case Siberian
ginseng would help. A healthy bowel is also essential.
The endocrine or hormone system as a whole must be understood.
Apart from the major hormones that have already been discussed, there
are glands situated in key areas throughout the body that secrete very
small amounts of other hormones. These glands include the adrenals,
thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. Their healthy and balanced function
is essential to adolescents, as they dictate to a large extent this delicate
transition from childhood to adulthood. It is often observed that the
endocrine system is very similar to the Ayurvedic system of chakras, so
yoga exercises, deep breathing, and any other chakra-balancing exercises
you may know of can help. Watching for the fi rst showings of pubic and
underarm hair and breast development will help mothers, fathers,
137 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition