kidneys ever feel infl amed or you suffer from genitourinary problems,
applying a castor oil pack over them will bring instant relief. A summer
kidney cleanse is often advisable — see chapter 6.
The Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are found just above each of the kidneys and are, in
effect, part and parcel of kidney function. When our adrenals are low and
exhausted, our whole being becomes depressed in a variety of ways.
Severe mental dysfunction can be attributed to their depletion, and many
diseases and conditions, from allergies to chronic illness, can have their
roots in adrenal dysfunction. Their depletion can be either inherited or
produced by other factors.
One group of hormones produced by the adrenals helps to build, fuel,
and regulate growth and repair within the body. These hormones also
work to control and instigate infl ammation, which is vital when infection
or tissue damage is apparent. They are known as natural steroids. Another
group of hormones produced in the adrenal glands acts to maintain the
appropriate ratio of potassium and sodium, helping to inhibit loss of
sodium and water through the kidneys. This function is important
because waterlogged tissue strains the heart. Finally, the adrenal cortex
produces sex hormones, and it is the balance of these that creates gender
The adrenal medulla is associated with the fl ight-or-fi ght response, and
is really part of the nervous system. Varying amounts of adrenaline are
released into the bloodstream, circulating and preparing the body to react
to particular situations. Should this adrenaline reaction become a constant
stress norm, however, the body will become exhausted, and digestive
problems, among others, will manifest themselves (digestion is
temporarily shelved during this response). Adrenaline reaction is a useful
response in cases of genuine danger, rapid breathing patterns, and varying
responses to allergens. Unfortunately, the body can often become trigger-
happy and, apart from being subjected to a physical toll, may produce
confused emotions — for instance, anxiety and paranoia may occur.
Exhaustion, depression, and the potential for acute or chronic diseases of
the digestive system, pancreas, spleen, liver, thyroid, and colon could
ensue. Blood sugar levels will also be badly affected. Entire endocrine
support will be vital to help remedy the problem.
Food and one’s physical focus should be similar to those recommended
for hypoglycemia and diabetes in chapter 10. For the adrenal medulla, all
foods for the nervous system can very often help, particularly oats.
166 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition