The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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202 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

~ Use pure lavender oil on fungus. It may tingle or even burn a little,
but it will not actually cause harm.

~ Use candida pessaries (see chapter 3).

~ Have a daily bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil.

~ If possible, avoid oral contraceptives as they can upset the microor-
ganism balance in the body. Instead, use alternative contraception.

~ Saunas help^ —^ but it’s vital to have long, cold showers during and after
the sauna, otherwise the warm, damp atmosphere will encourage
fungal growth and make matters worse.

~ Take hot and cold showers^ —^ always fi nish with cold water. Never go
to bed straight after a hot bath, only after a cold shower.

~ Get plenty of sleep, and use cotton sheets. Underbedding and quilts
should also be of natural fi bers as these breathe, allowing moisture to
escape, and will prevent further incubation of the fungus.

celiac disease

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten (which is mainly found in wheat
and wheat products). More specifi cally, the allergy is to gliadin, a protein
found in gluten. The condition manifests itself as uncomfortable bloating,
gas, and diarrhea caused by chronic infl ammation. A specialist will need to
confi rm this disease by testing for gliadin intolerance.
Follow the treatments described below for colitis.

  • There is plenty to enjoy^ —^ whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, buck-
    wheat, and millet, all of which have a greatly reduced gluten content.
    A gluten-free recipe book will give you further insight.

f Herbal astringents may be necessary if diarrhea is persistent. Include
yarrow leaf and fl ower tea with grains of bentonite clay if diarrhea is
persistently watery.

f Herbal demulcents that will soothe and heal may be needed if the
infl ammation is severe, but this can be individually gauged. Mash up
some slippery elm inner bark and arrowroot into a ripe banana, or
simply add to cold water and drink.

chicken pox

Chicken pox is a highly contagious viral infection that starts with a
headache, tiredness, and fever. The glands around the neck will probably
be swollen, and some spots may be apparent on the body, face, scalp, or
mouth. The spotting period can last for ten days, and then the scabs
should fall off.

diseases 202

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