The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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204 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

f Immune-system herbs and tonics will be vital to support the body
generally: olive leaf, echinacea root, pau d’arco inner bark, and Sibe-
rian ginseng root.

~ Work on all the elimination channels^ —^ at some point you will need
to perform liver, kidney, and colon cleanses.

~ Nervous-system support is often necessary here (see chapter 9).

~ Get plenty of rest.

~ Put organic honey mixed with turmeric rhizome powder on the cold
sore during the weeping stage (it will stain, so take care). Use a lavender
and tea tree essential oil rub, and continue use for three days after the
sore has visibly gone. Internally, large amounts of the antiviral herb
lemon balm will greatly help, as it is specifi c for disarming the herpes

~ Saunas are helpful and encourage the cold sore to come out, peak,
and die down.


Colitis is infl ammation of a section or sections of the colon, mostly in the
mucous membranes. It is a very common problem, and is perhaps the
most common of all bowel complaints. It appears to be a precursor for
many other diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, which can ensue when
ulcers develop as a result of chronic infl ammation. It can be caused by
intense stress, anxiety, or fear, or by bacteria, especially if antibiotics have
been overused. The nervous system and adrenal glands need support if
stress is a factor; but the food you eat also has a major infl uence on this

  • No coffee, alcohol, tea, milk, or cheese should be consumed.

(^) - No cooked spices should be eaten; the cooler, raw spices and culinary
herbs like thyme and marjoram should be used instead.

  • Fibrous foods should be avoided at this point. Instead try fruit purees
    (always cook with stones, pips, and skins and then strain), vegetable
    purees, pureed soups, and generally soft steamed or baked foods.
    Continue until the infl ammation has subsided.

  • Often six small meals a day will be easier to digest than three larger

  • Eat plenty of garlic in food and let it do the main work on bowel
    putrefaction for you.

f Use equal parts of marshmallow root, cramp bark, lobelia leaf, bar-

diseases 204

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