diseases 207
Coughing is, in the main, an important refl ex action provoked by various
irritations in order to expel mucus. But the refl ex also works when there is
nothing to expel but the mucous membrane is irritated.
- If it is a dry, hacking cough with little mucus and combined with
sweating, then consume a lot of raw fruits and juices. - If there is a lot of mucus and congestion, avoid cold fruits and juices
and use more warming foods, like garlic and onion soups. - Take plenty of fl uids^ —^ especially water and fresh lemon juice^ —^ and
go directly to bed. - Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze has a wonderful kitchen home remedy
for coughs and colds, and this alone can do the job. See “Homemade
Immune Supporter and Fighter — ‘Hooch’” in chapter 7 for the rec-
ipe. Take between two and ten teaspoons up to fi ve times daily; gargle
with it, and then swallow.
f As a preventive measure in winter, drink homemade elderberry and
elder fl ower syrup. It encourages perspiration and provides valuable
vitamins and minerals (refer to chapter 3). Take one teaspoon at a
time, three to six times daily.
f A tincture or syrup can also be made with wild cherry bark, myrrh
resin, barberry root bark, licorice root, lobelia leaf, pokeweed root,
cayenne pepper, and marshmallow root: this will promote the healthy
removal of mucus and encourage productive coughing, while helping
the lungs to expand and the immune system to strengthen.
f Use mullein fl owers, plantain leaf, and red clover fl ower tea. Other
useful traditional herbs that can be excellent are horehound leaf, ele-
campane leaf and fl ower, and yarrow leaf.
f For a prolonged, deep-seated cough, take a tonic herb like Siberian
ginseng root for support and recovery.
~ Soaking one’s feet in a bucket of hot water with mustard powder
added to it is a great way of heating and sweating the body, but for this
treatment the individual must be naturally strong. Then massage an
oil mix containing eucalyptus into the chest and soles of the feet, al-
ready hot and yellow from the mustard.
~ A sprinkling of eucalyptus essential oil on pillows and sheets is very
crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease normally affects the small intestine, but any section of the
207 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition