The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 209

f Use 2 or 3 teaspoons of a mixture of two parts slippery elm inner bark
and one part each of marshmallow root, plantain leaf, turmeric rhi-
zome, and wild yam root powders. Mash into a ripe banana or mix
with water to soothe the bowel; take two or three times daily.

f Use plenty of garlic, barberry root bark, and echinacea root to fi ght

f Drink plenty of meadowsweet leaf, fennel seed, chamomile fl ower, or
peppermint leaf tea.

f Make sure the colon is functioning correctly by using gentle herbs
such as barberry root bark and rhubarb root. If you are suffering from
diarrhea, then refer to the appropriate section in this chapter for

~ If you are in severe pain, drink aloe vera juice or administer aloe gel
as an enema for immediate cooling and soothing relief. You will need
a high enema (see chapter 6). For those with painful ulcers in the
mouth and throat, use aloe as a gargle — swallow after gargling.

cystitis and prostatitis

Cystitis and prostatitis very painful bacterial bladder infections that create
a scalding pain before, during, and after urination. They also urge the
bladder to try to empty constantly, even if there is no more urine left to
expel. The urine may be cloudy and have an unpleasant odor. Cystitis is a
common problem for women, partly because of their shorter urethra and
its closeness to the rectum, making cross-infection more likely. A variety
of spinal nonalignments can have an effect here, therefore a visit to a
chiropractor could be worthwhile. Candidiasis often goes hand in hand
with cystitis, and helping one often helps the other. Men also get cystitis,
and then the prostate needs to be examined.

  • Avoid highly acidic food and drinks (coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate);
    instead drink lots of alkaline fl uids, like fresh lemon juice in spring-
    water (lemon juice itself is acidic but becomes alkaline in the stom-
    ach). Cranberry is the only exception to this rule. Its special chemis-
    try and acidity prevent the sticking of harmful microbes to the
    urethra wall, which rapidly diminishes the attack. Drink unsweetened
    cranberry juice or a drink made from dried cranberries soaked in wa-
    ter overnight, or use frozen ones. Try to avoid supermarket cranberry
    drinks, as they tend to be loaded with undesirable additives.

  • Put one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a little apple juice and
    drink four times daily.

209 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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