The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 237

f In the short term, take three parts valerian root with two parts pas-
sionfl ower and one part lobelia leaf. This combination will alleviate
sleep disturbance whether it has short-term or long-term causes.
Long- term use of herbs such as two parts skullcap leaf, two parts
vervain leaf, and one part lobelia leaf will be needed to support and
regenerate the nervous system.

~ Walk barefoot on grass, sand, and pebbles to ground and disperse any
static electricity.

~ Do breathing exercises and meditation.

~ Take saunas and hot and cold showers, and practice skin brushing.

~ It is important to remember that we need stimulation in order to
sleep. Therefore, go running or dancing, take a long hike or a swim
in the sea, and then learn to relax. Sunbathe for short periods of time
or take catnaps.

~ Cleanses will be of key importance in helping balance the body and
restore correct metabolism.

~ Menopause can cause sleeplessness, and therefore using herbs to al-
leviate hormonal imbalance will improve sleep patterns.

irregular and dysfunctional periods

Early periods are those occurring eight or nine days prior to the expected
cycle of twenty-fi ve to twenty-nine days. Much variance outside the
normal cycle will cause the body to feel tired and depleted. If your period
is constantly early, you may feel consistently anxious. An early period can
be caused by insuffi cient progesterone, shortening the second phase (the
phase after ovulation). It is also possible that ovulation occurs early, in
which case a little estrogen will help extend and complete the fi rst phase.
Very occasionally, ovulation doesn’t take place at all, in which case the
general health of the entire body will need to be attended to, as other
irregularities can occur (osteoporosis, for instance). Periods that are
consistently late may be due to hormonal imbalance, congestion and
stagnation, anemia, or bowel and liver conditions.

  • A dietary overhaul will be needed. Avoid tea, coffee, food containing
    synthetic hormones, and any foods that cause allergies.

f If the cause is insuffi cient estrogen, use red clover fl ower, black co-
hosh root, hop strobilus fl ower, sage leaf, and licorice root.

f If the cause is insuffi cient progesterone, use two parts chaste tree
berry and one part sarsaparilla root.

f If there is congestion, use equal amounts of warming, relaxing, and
moving herbs like gingerroot, cayenne pod, pennyroyal leaf, black

237 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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