The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 251

uterine wall and the fi broid itself. As they are heavily estrogen-dependent,
the intake of estrogen, as with ovarian cysts, must be kept to a minimum.
Cervical cysts and polyps are completely harmless. They are found
inside the uterus but can protrude through the cervix and bleed and are
best dealt with quickly. They can be treated comparatively simply and
effectively, and the bleeding can be stopped with herbs and natural
Polycystic ovaries indicate a hormonal imbalance and are often
connected to infertility.

  • Decrease all estrogenic food and drink intake, including among oth-
    ers coffee, tea, chocolate, dairy products, and hormone-fed meat.

  • Adopt a good food and cleansing program^ —^ see the general sugges-
    tions for endometriosis, above.

f Take one evening primrose oil capsule (GLA) daily.

f Use herbs to balance the endocrine system and especially ones that
tend to be more progestogenic in action, such as chaste tree berry and
sarsaparilla root; a more wellrounded formula is also fi ne.

f Pain or cramping can be alleviated with equal amounts of lobelia leaf
and pod, pasquefl ower, and cramp bark tinctures, along with castor-
oil packs.

~ If you are overweight, lose weight, as estrogen is stored in fatty tissue.
Weight loss is enhanced by taking GLA and spirulina or superfood.

~ Colon, kidney, and liver cleanses will be vital, as these growths indi-
cate sluggishness and congestion.

~ Use vaginal pessaries (see chapter 3).

~ Have sitz baths and hot and cold showers to encourage blood supply
and fl ow (see chapter 5).

~ Exercise to encourage blood supply.

overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

When the thyroid gland overproduces thyroid hormones (as diagnosed by
a blood test), the body’s metabolism becomes overactive. The general
symptoms include irritability, heat, increased perspiration, insomnia, and
fatigue; less frequent are increased fl ow of menstruation, rapid digestion
and bowel movements, and malabsorption of nutrients. Goiter can also
develop. (Underactive thyroid is discussed below.)

  • Ground and support the body with “earthy” foods like barley, rice,
    millet, quinoa, and all the root vegetables, particularly the sweeter

251 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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