The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 253

hypothyroidism, and other problems should also be considered, and then
professionally explored if simple treatments are failing to alleviate the

  • You must increase calcium and magnesium intake: include seaweeds
    like wakame and hijiki, both from the kelp family, to ensure that your
    physical and nutritional needs in general are met.

  • Make sure that your intake of iron and folic acid is adequate.
    f Herbs to increase calcium and magnesium include pau d’arco inner
    bark, oat straw, nettle leaf, and Irish moss.

f A useful mix of herbs for spasm, pain relief, and hormone balance
includes three parts each of chaste tree berry, squaw vine leaf, dong
quai root, and cramp bark; two parts each of black cohosh root, nettle
root, sarsaparilla root, and blessed thistle leaf and fl ower; and one
part lobelia leaf.

f If you suspect congestion and stagnation in the uterus, use dong quai
root and cayenne pepper capsules for general circulation.

f Use general hormone balancers like chaste tree berry, sarsaparilla
root, squaw vine leaf, and blessed thistle leaf and fl ower.

~ Liver, kidney, and bowel cleanses will be vital.

~ Practice deep breathing at all times, but spend a concentrated twenty
minutes doing belly breathing in a warm bath to let go and really relax.

~ Relax in a warm bath with a few drops of rosemary essential oil.

~ Exercise regularly to increase circulation and decrease congestion.

~ Gentle daily exercise should include yoga.

~ Use a slant board (see chapter 5), or put your feet up as high as you
can against a wall.

~ Put a muslin cloth that has been soaked in chamomile essential oil
and sunfl ower oil over the abdomen underneath a hot water bottle
for extra relief.


Palpitations are the erratic or fast beating of the heart. The condition is
not necessarily dangerous, but it can be disturbing, especially if it is
partially caused by (or occurs in conjunction with) anxiety, stress, anger,
or other emotional outbursts. Checking your blood pressure will give you
an insight into the effect these palpitations are having, and the results may
suggest possible treatment. The condition can also be a symptom of food
allergy or candidiasis.

253 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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