The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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256 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

which can sometimes be linked to or result from endo met ri osis. It may
also develop independently. The uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes
become congested, with fl uid retention and puslike secretions. The pain,
which can be treated easily if the condition is caught quickly, can become
intense, and bleeding can occur. I’ve had patients who have endured it for
years in severe and almost constant pain, sometimes caused in part by
abscesses. Some people feel that it can be caused by initial bacterial
infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and so on. Appendicitis, ectopic
pregnancy, intrauterine contraceptive devices, fallopian tube twisting,
abortion, gynecological procedures, and the use of tampons can be other
causes. Look at the general routine recommended for endometriosis for
extra information on diet and lifestyle.

f Use immune herbs like pau d’arco inner bark, garlic, echinacea root,
barberry root bark, and pine needle tinctures internally.

f For pain and cramping, use equal parts of cramp bark, pasquefl ower,
lobelia leaf, and valerian root.

f To balance the system, take endocrine herbs and uterine tonics such
as chaste tree berry, squaw vine leaf, and wild yam root.

~ The bowel and liver will be vitally in need of cleansing (see chapter

~ Make sure the kidneys are well fl ushed^ —^ drink fresh lemon water
(this also cleans the bloodstream) and dandelion root tea. Take lym-
phatic system herbs like cleavers leaf and marigold fl ower, and con-
sider a kidney cleanse.

poor circulation and chilblains

Cold hands and feet are quite common. They are really worth working
on, rather than leaving them to simply make your life miserable or
allowing them to turn into something more troublesome.

  • Eat horseradish, the hot English mustards, and gingerroot frequently.

  • Refer to the dietary advice for heart disease.

f Take the following herbs in equal amounts: cayenne pod; prickly ash
berry, and hawthorn fl ower, berry, and leaf.

~ Stop or cut down on smoking.

~ Exercise frequently.

~ Take hot and cold showers.

~ Use a hot ointment or massage oil containing mustard, chile, juniper,
pine, cubeb, and rosemary essential oils.

diseases 256

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