The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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264 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

be directly linked to lifestyle. A change in diet is probably the most
important fi rst step in treating or preventing them. Refer to “The
Circulatory System” in chapter 9.

f Lobelia leaf is most effective when used immediately after the stroke
and continued for several days afterward. Five drops at the base of the
tongue every hour for an adult will be very benefi cial.

f Cayenne pod and prickly ash bark or berry will help circulation (es-
pecially to the brain), and long-term use of skullcap leaf to nourish
the nervous system will also be benefi cial.

f Other choices of herbs include gingerroot, rosemary leaf, ginkgo leaf,
and gotu kola herb. These are all especially helpful for the brain.

~ Take hot and cold showers.

~ Skin brushing will also be benefi cial.

~ Other natural healing procedures will help, including massage and all

throat problems — laryngitis, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis

Problems can arise in the throat that are caused by the lungs, sinuses,
mouth, ears, or even stomach and bowel. The glands in the neck (below
the jawline and up toward the ears) may simply be swollen because of
toxic overload from the bowel or allergic reactions in the stomach. The
lungs or the whole ear, throat, and nose network may be congested.
Treat laryngitis, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis in basically the same way,
paying close attention to the cause as well as easing the symptoms.
Read the sections in this chapter on mumps and mononucleosis, and
refer to the sections on swollen glands and mouth gargle in chapter 11,
and then combine recommendations as appropriate.

thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis

Phlebitis is infl ammation of veins, while thrombosis is a blood clot. These
conditions can be deep or superfi cial. Phlebitis is the more common and
is often caused by pregnancy, standing for long periods of time, a lack of
exercise, or smoking. Deep thrombosis is more serious because the veins
affected are deep within the muscle. With thrombosis, blood clots can
break off and travel around the circulatory system. Circulation and
oxygen are impeded by the ensuing blockage, and surrounding organs
served by blood vessels may be damaged, depending on where the
blockage is. Thrombosis can be a very serious and potentially fatal
problem. Occurrence of clots or ruptures in the brain is often referred to

diseases 264

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