The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 273

nervous system (see chapter 9).
Immune-system enhancers and lymphatic cleansers like echinacea root,
grapefruit seed, olive leaf, barberry root bark, turmeric root, pokeweed
root, mullein fl owers, and lobelia leaf and seed will be crucial.


All eliminative channels (including the kidney, liver, and bowel) will need
to be cleansed and balanced. For this you will need plants like artichoke
leaf, milk thistle seed, Schisandra berry (vital to optimum liver function),
cascara sagrada aged bark, and corn silk. Specifi c cleansing routines will
be essential — see chapter 6.

Other Considerations

Some individual areas will need assessment — for instance, breast cancers
will require an increase in progesterone-rich herbs to counteract the
estrogen surge that can often cause the cancer. Herbs rich in estrogen,
like red clover fl ower and hop strobilus, will need to be avoided.
The digestive system is a key factor in cases of cancer. This must work
effi ciently.
Many cancer patients have low hydrochloric acid levels. Therefore, use
meadowsweet leaf and other digestives, like gentian root. Food programs,
however individualized, will need to be centered on plenty of freshly
juiced vegetables — 72 percent carrot juice, with the rest taken from
cabbage family vegetables (avoiding beet and beet tops, and avoiding
cabbage if certain thyroid conditions exist). In addition, take superfood
and raw food in general, especially garlic. Precautions are necessary to
ensure that plenty of raw food and juices are eaten and drunk without
causing an excess of cold and therefore creating excess mucus, coldness,
tiredness, and a less-effi cient spleen. Listen to your body; if you overdo
anything it will let you know.
Anti-infl ammatory assistance for cancer is of vital concern, because
infl ammation and cancer cell proliferation appear to go hand in hand.
Many of the previously mentioned adrenal support herbs will help, but
also black cohosh root, chamomile fl ower, and marshmallow root.
Finally, as a natural bonus, many of the herbs already mentioned are
rich in antioxidants, including milk thistle seed, turmeric root, and
Schisandra berry.
Vaginal and anal suppositories (see chapter 3), poultices, compresses,
and castor-oil packs will be vital to deal with the manifestations of the
cancers and other diseases, such as tumors and cysts. This drawing-out
and healing routine will either pull the toxins up and out to the surface or
help fl ush them through the circulatory and lymphatic systems and fi nally
the bowel. Flower remedies and essential oils will be part of the routine,

273 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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