The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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as you feel better. Echinacea root can also be very effective when put
directly on an infected cut. If you do not have any echinacea, use something
like garlic and turmeric, which can be very effective when made into a
paste, added to mashed potato, and applied directly to a wound. You
should also eat some! Chamo mile fl ower tea will also help because of its
antimicrobial qualities.

sprains and strains

Use a cold compress soaked in a strong decoction made from all or some
of the following herbs: gingerroot, thyme leaf, lavender leaf, marigold
fl ower, St. John’s wort fl ower, plantain leaf, and chamomile fl ower. This
compress will reduce swelling. Alternatively, soak the affected area in a
hot decoction made from chamomile fl ower, comfrey leaf, rosemary leaf,
and wormwood leaf. Alternate this treatment with cold soaks and rub the
area with trauma oil (see the formula under “Other Items” at the end of
this chapter).


Make an immediate appointment to see the dentist. Meanwhile, chew a
clove for a while and then spit it out, or put a little clove oil on a cotton
ball and gently apply to the affected area. Take echinacea root tea or
tincture, in case an abscess has begun to form. Frequently gargle with
herbal mouthwash containing oak bark, myrrh resin, and St. John’s wort
fl ower (see “Other Items” at the end of in this chapter).

Contents of First-Aid Kit


  • a selection of bandages: at least four elasticized, four crepe, tubular
    bandages with applicator, and gauze of various sizes

  • a selection of sterile dressings

  • plastic wrap

  • cotton pads: bandages can be made using cotton pads and open-
    weave or gauze strips

  • dental mirror

  • dextrose tablets

  • eye bath and small mixing container

  • fi rst-aid manual

  • fl ashlight

  • hot and cold packs — available from drugstores

280 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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