The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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282 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

  • 3 teaspoons coffee tincture — for alcohol poisoning and other situa-
    tions in which a nerve stimulant is necessary; prickly ash bark tincture
    will work in a similar way

  • colon capsules — both strong and mild

  • slippery elm inner bark powder — for diarrhea, or use bentonite clay
    for serious diarrhea

  • fresh juniper berries — for those unable to urinate

  • 3 to 5 teaspoons of a formula of fi ve parts hawthorn leaf tincture and
    one part cayenne tincture as a heart attack tonic

  • 3 to 5 teaspoons of a formula of one part valerian root tincture and
    one part lobelia leaf — as a nerve sedative

  • 5 teaspoons of a formula of 3 teaspoons chaste tree berry tincture and
    2 teaspoons cramp bark tincture — for premenstrual symptoms, cramps,
    and so on

Lobelia and Cayenne Pepper

lobelia (lobelia inflata)

Lobelia (often known as Indian tobacco in the United States) is one of the
most useful systemic relaxants available to us. It has a general depressant
action on the central and autonomic nervous systems and on
neuromuscular action. Lobelia contains alkaloids called pyridine and
piperidine — these act to stimulate and then to block autonomic nervous
activity. It is very useful in a fi rst-aid situation for shock and trauma. It
may be used in many conditions and in combination with other herbs to
further its effectiveness.
It is specifi cally used for bronchial asthma and bronchitis. Lobelia is a
powerful respiratory stimulant, while the chemical isolobelinine found in
lobelia is an emetic and respiratory stimulant, which will stimulate
catarrhal secretion and expectoration while relaxing the muscles of the
respiratory system. The overall action is a truly holistic combination of
stimulation and relaxation. It can be used for any internal or external
situation, a few drops in most cases being suffi cient. This dosage comes
nowhere near the dose allowed by the FDA and MHRA; a little goes a
long way.

cayenne pepper (capsicum annuum)

Cayenne pepper is unsurpassed in its effect on the circulatory system.
Cay enne is a herb that everyone should have in tincture or powder form,
in the kitchen, the bathroom, and the car. As a prime fi rst-aid measure it
will prevent fainting or loss of consciousness, as it keeps the blood supply

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