The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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menthol crystals, arnica flower, St. John’s wort flower, chile oil, and
marigold flower in a base of olive oil.

Marigold and comfrey ointment (general healing salve): made from
equal parts (two ounces each) of marigold flower, comfrey root, lobe-
lia leaf, plantain leaf, thyme leaf, lavender leaf and flower, and tur-
meric rhizome. Useful as a first-aid measure for cuts and abrasions.
See “Ointments” in chapter 3.

Trauma oil or ointment: this contains arnica flower oil, St. John’s
wort flower, and marigold flower oil. Mix equal parts of each in a base
of organic virgin cold-pressed olive oil.

Plantain and barberry ointment (eczema ointment): equal parts (two
ounces each) black walnut hull, barberry root, chickweed leaf, plan-
tain leaf, marigold flower, and lavender essential oil. Useful in the
treatment of eczema and similar skin conditions; see “Ointments” in
chapter 3.

Healing and antiseptic ointment: use barberry root, marigold flower,
and thyme leaf or flowers, mixing equal parts in an olive oil and bees-
wax base. See “Ointments” in chapter 3.

Herbal cast or deep wound paste: made from equal parts of comfrey
root, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, and turmeric rhizome
powders. Make into a workable paste with olive oil and lavender es-
sential oil. Pack into the wound and bandage. Do not worry about
cleaning out the paste; it will grow into and become the new tis-
sue — simply add more if any comes away when bathing. See “Oint-
ments” in chapter 3.

Herbal snuff: made from equal amounts of powdered bayberry root,
mustard seed, horseradish root, lobelia leaf, turmeric root, and cay-
enne pod. For further details, see “Nose Problems” in chapter 10.

Insect repellent: made from two parts lemongrass, one part thyme
leaf, one part lavender leaf and flower, and one part peppermint leaf
mixed with wheat germ oil.

Lavender spray for burns and bites: one cup distilled water and half a
teaspoon lavender essential oil.

Mouth gargle: use for a sore throat, inflamed mouth, painful tonsils,
or abscesses. Gargle three times daily with a mixture of two cups
springwater, with three-quarters^ cup each cranesbill tincture, barberry
root bark tincture, fennel seed tincture, myrrh tincture, yarrow leaf
tincture, and peppermint leaf tincture. Choose two or three of the
following essential oils and add two or three drops of each: cinnamon,
sweet fennel, sage, thyme, angelica, tea tree, myrrh, or rosemary. Only

284 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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