The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

Juniper leaf, berry Juniperus communis
Kola nut Cola acuminata
Lady’s-Mantle leaf Alchemilla vulgaris
Lavender flower, leaf Lavandula angustifolia
Lemon balm leaf Melissa officinalis
Licorice root Glycyrrhiza glabra
Licorice, Chinese root Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Lime tree, (linden) flower Tilia europaea
Lobelia (Indian tobacco) flower, leaf, Lobelia inflata
seed, pod
Mahonia (Oregon grape) root, root bark, Mahonia aquifolium
Marigold flower Calendula officinalis
Marshmallow root Althaea officinalis
Meadowsweet leaf, flower Filipendula ulmaria
Milk thistle seed Silybum marianum
Mistletoe/American leaf, berry Viscum album/
mistletoe Phoradendron serotinum
Motherwort leaf Leonurus cardiaca
Mugwort leaf Artemisia vulgaris
Mullein leaf, flower Verbascum thapsus
(and other species)
Mustard seed Brassica hirta, Brassica nigra
Myrrh resin Commiphora myrrha
Neem tree (nim) seed, leaf Azadirachta indica
Nettle leaf, root Urtica dioica
Oak bark, gall, twig Quercus (various species)
Olive leaf, fruit Olea europaea
Parsley root, leaf Petroselinum crispum
Pasqueflower flower Anemone pulsatilla
Passionflower leaf, flower Passiflora incarnata
Pau d’arco (lapacho) inner bark Tabebuia impetiginosa
Pennyroyal leaf Mentha pulegium
Peppermint/spearmint leaf Mentha  piperita/Mentha
Pfaffia (suma) root, bark Pfaffia paniculata
Pine resin, needle Pinus (various species)
Plantain leaf, juice Plantago major
Pokeweed root Phytolacca americana

288 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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