The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

glossary 297

Flavonoids — Flavonoids are classifi ed as antioxidant, as they are generally
capable of free-radical scavenging.

High-Density Lipoproteins — These are the proteins containing a high
ratio of protein to fat that carry cholesterol from tissue to the liver. Low-
density lipoproteins are considered to be more harmful.

HIV — Human immunodefi ciency virus, the retrovirus considered to be the
precursor to AIDS.

Immunity — The capacity and function of the body to fend off foreign
bodies (fungi, viruses, bacteria), or to disarm and eject them.

Lymphatic System — This is the system of glands that secretes white
blood cells.

Maceration — A medicinal oil that has been made by infusing a base oil
with a herb or a number of herbs over a period of time. A typical macera-
tion would be of St. John’s wort in olive oil, used for cuts and bruises.

Microfl ora — Tiny plant cells.

Mucilaginous — Having the quality of mucus, that is, viscous, thick, and
sticky. Internally used to soothe raw membranes.

Mucous — The quality of thickness and stickiness in plant and fl esh foods.
Something described as mucous is said to be binding.

Organophosphates — Chemical fertilizers.

Oxygenators — Substances that bring oxygen into the system.

Phagocytosis — A mechanism by which a phagocyte unleashes chemicals
that engulf and digest bacteria and other pathogens (and dead cells).

Polysaccharide — A large number of sugars linked together where energy
is stored in living tissue.

Probiotics — Substances that increase the presence of “friendly” bacteria in
the intestines.

Progesterone — The female hormone of the second phase of the men-
strual cycle; it prepares for and supports pregnancy.

Rubefacient — A category of herb defi ned by its capacity to draw blood to
the surface of the body, causing redness by stimulating capillary action; for
instance, cayenne pepper.

Steroids — In the body, essential fatty acids are converted into hormonelike
substances called prostaglandins; steroids block their production in order
to relieve clotting and pain.

Stimulant — Any herb that increases energy and function in the body.

T Cells — Also called T lymphocytes, these are immune cells that play
several roles in the body’s defenses. T cells are so called because they ma-
ture in the thymus.

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