The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

Rubella, 217–18

Safety, xii
Sage, 49
St. John’s wort, 21
Salpingitis, 249
Salt, 51, 159, 166
Sauerkraut, 66
Saunas, 76
Saw palmetto, 134
Schulze, Richard
formulas and recommendations of, 86,
88, 165, 201, 239, 276
as pioneer, 2, 5, 6, 7–8
Sciatica, 254–55
Seaweeds, 61–62, 63
Seeds, 61
Shingles, 255
Shock, 270–71
Showers, 76
Siberian ginseng, 113–14, 132–33
Singha, Shyam, 6
Sinus infections, 235–36
Sitz baths, 76–77
Skeletal system, 179–81, 243
Skin, 177–79
acne, 134
boils, 190
brushing, 71–72
cold sores, 197–98
dermatitis, 205–6
eczema, 212–13
impetigo, 228
jaundice, 232
liver spots, 234–35
psoriasis, 252–54
ringworm, 254–55
warts, 263
Skullcap, 174
Slant board treatment, 74
Sleep, 176–77, 230, 271
Smallpox, 103
Smell, power of, 13
Smoking, 169, 172
Smudge sticks, 38
Snakebites, 271
Snuff, herbal, 242, 277
Soil, richness of, 14

Sourdough bread, 66
Sour foods, 51
Soy fermentations, 66
Spices, 46–50
Spider bites, 270
Spirulina, 62, 63
Spleen, 164–65
Spock, Benjamin, 57
Sprains, 273
Sprouting, 61
Stomach ulcers, 272
Strains, 273
Stroke, 256–57
Sugar, 52, 101
Suggett, Ezra, 6
Sun, exposure to, 178
Sunstroke, 270
Superfood, 41, 62–63, 70
Supplements, 40–41
Suppositories, 35–37
Sweeteners, 52
Sweet herb (Stevia), 52
Swimming, 76
Syrups, herbal, 31–32
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 116

Talc, 38–39
T cells, 105–6
Teas, 28–29, 59, 100
Teething, 126–27
Testosterone, 131, 133
Thoughts, power of, 109–11
Throat problems, 257
Thrombophlebitis, 257–58
Thrombosis, 257–58
Thrush, oral, 193–96
Thyme, 49
Thyroid, 163–64, 244–45, 259–60
Tinctures, 29–30
Tinnitus, 258–59
Toddlers, 122–24, 127
Tonsillitis, 257
Toothache, 273
Toxins. See Detoxification
Trauma oil or ointment, 277
Trees, 12, 13, 14–15
Trichomoniasis, 261–62
Tuberculosis, 104

306 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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