The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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food and nutrition 45

individuals are generally associated with higher levels of hydrochloric acid
in the stomach, which helps to digest the higher amounts of proteins
found with this type of diet. Fruits and vegetables should also be eaten in
larger amounts to help balance the body’s pH level.

diet for blood group a

Historically, blood group A individuals have adapted well to an agrarian
form of diet, which evolved later and consists primarily of fruits,
vegetables, nuts, and grains. Generally, little or no meat should be
allowed, and then only as a condiment. Milk and cheese should also be
eliminated, especially in type A2 individuals. Grains and beans contain
higher amounts of naturally occurring agglutinins (lectins), which make
their assimilation by the body more diffi cult. Larger amounts of fruits and
vegetables are recommended for group A individuals, who tend to secrete
lower amounts of hydrochloric acid and thus metabolize calories and
obtain energy at a slower rate. Raw fruits and vegetables are higher in
natural enzymes, which promote digestion, absorption, and assimilation.

diet for blood group b

Apparently, the blood group B diet evolved later than that of group O or
A and is associated with nomadic and herding societies. People who are
group B do well with diets that are high in fermented dairy products.
These individuals do better on ovo-lacto vegetarian diets, which are
higher in products that contain milk, cheese, and eggs. Natural
agglutinins in such foods as chicken, sunfl ower, sesame, and buckwheat
may cause problems for a group B person and should be used in
moderation. Group B individuals are generally associated with lower levels
of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and may need enzyme and
hydrochloric acid assistance if higher amounts of proteins are ingested.
Group B persons do well with a good balance of the different food groups
allowed rather than emphasis on a particular food type.

diet for blood group ab

Apparently, the blood group AB diet evolved last, and it is felt to be
associated with modern diets. Because of the presence of both A and B
antigens, group AB individuals are well adapted to vegetarian, grain, and
seafood diets with small to moderate amounts of milk products. Natural
agglutinins in such foods as red meat, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, and
many grains and beans may cause problems for a group AB person and
should be used only in moderation. Group AB individuals are generally

45 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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