The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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In addition, massage can have profoundly positive effects in those with
depressive or anxious personalities, as it can promote a feeling of calmness
and serenity. With this newfound calmness, people are often able to begin
dealing with the underlying problems that initiated their anxiety or
depression. Massage can be used in many other positive ways, including
calming fretful babies and the rehabilitation of those with long-term
incapacity problems (including those who are bedridden) — for example,
lymph massage is often used in postoperative recovery from breast cancer.
Massage can be practiced in many ways. Just stroking your own or
another person’s body is a type of massage; this contact is incredibly
important in order to gain some understanding and love for the human
form. There are, however, four main categories of massage that are widely
recognized: effl eurage (stroking), friction (pressure), percussion
(drumming), and petrissage (kneading). Most masseurs use a variety of
these styles, depending on each individual case. Generally, they also use
other personalized styles combined with other natural healing methods.
This is often refl ected in their choice of essential oils and carrier oils.

reflexology and foot massage

Refl exology is a technique of diagnosis and treatment. It is believed to
have partly originated in China approximately fi ve thousand years ago.
Dr. William Fitzgerald introduced refl exology into Western society. He
identifi ed ten zones (channels) in the human body, and these zones were
considered to be the energy paths along which a person’s “vital energy”
fl owed. The zones end at the hands and the feet. Therefore, when pain is
experienced at one point in the body, it can be alleviated by applying
pressure to the corresponding energy zone in the hands or feet. Today, in
the main, practitioners tend to concentrate on the feet. There are many
uses for refl exology, including pain relief. You can simply massage your
own feet, which will go a long way toward relaxing, centering, and
grounding you. You can use any oil that you like the smell of, massaging
your feet when they are dry or simply rubbing them in the bath.


The word chiropractic has its origins in two Greek words, kheir, meaning
“hand,” and praktikos, meaning “practical.” Chiropractic is used for pain
relief through manipulation and corrects many problems in the joints and
muscles, especially the spine. Spinal disorder can cause widespread
problems throughout the body, especially the hips, legs, and arms, and can
also be the root cause of sciatica, a slipped disk, and other back problems.
Furthermore, it can be responsible for conditions that on the surface have
no relation to the spine, including catarrh, asthma, and constipation.

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