The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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giving the body a complete rest. But fasting should only be considered if
you have a lot of experience with cleansing programs. Detoxifi cation
through cleansing involves more than water and can, in many ways, be
more effective. It is certainly a more appropriate choice for the majority
of people.
Those who are pregnant or breast-feeding should choose only a
modifi ed, lighter, and shorter cleansing program using juices, raw foods,
and herbs that are acceptable and complementary to pregnancy, along
with gentle hydrotherapy. All should be professionally supervised and
should not, under any circumstances, include enemas or colonics. Other
people who should avoid fasting programs include those with a sluggish
metabolism and congested organs, those already weak and depleted (as
fasting can lower the body’s resistance even further), those who are
malnourished, those with low blood sugar levels, diabetics, and those
contemplating strenuous tasks for their bodies in the near future.
Excessive use of laxatives, colonics, enemas, fasting, and cleansing
programs can cause nutritional losses resulting in protein, vitamin,
mineral, fat, fi ber, and trace-element defi ciencies. Remember, you
are aiming to achieve equilibrium in your body, not trauma.

Healing Crisis

The phenomenon called healing crisis almost always accompanies these
cleansing methods, causing your body to feel as if it is in both a physical
and an emotional crisis. However, if you do not experience a healing
crisis, it does not mean that the cleanse has failed. Your body is simply
eliminating toxins in a different way. The whole process is a natural one
whereby the body is healing itself by expelling excess toxins. Nevertheless,
you may initially feel as though your illness is becoming worse because of
the unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing; in some cases it may
remind you of the worst periods of any chronic illness or acute disorder
you have experienced.
Many things can happen during a healing crisis, from headaches to
aching limbs or rashes. Whatever form the reaction takes, it is a sign that
toxins and stagnant materials that were previously poisoning the body are
leaving it. The liver and colon are important areas to clean out and can
release huge amounts of toxins accumulated over many years. The bowel
can easily congest under the new regime being introduced unless careful
advice and herbal help are given, so gentle laxatives are usually needed to
accompany cleansing. Constipation at this stage works directly against
what you are trying to achieve, and making sure the bowel is moving freely
will speed up the general detoxifi cation process. The crisis stage may
last three to four days but should never exceed seven days. This is an

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