The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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lemon juice, with a little cayenne and black pepper, for a salad dressing.
Have a cup of barley water (see recipe in chapter 4) with your salad.
Continue the day with more raw juices and raw foods (but in winter avoid
raw food and especially fruit if you feel the cold). In total, you should
drink three cups of barley water, three cups of kidney tea, and
approximately one tablespoon of kidney tincture. Also drink plain water
at times, aiming to drink three to four quarts of liquid in total.

Advanced Cleansing Programs

Before you begin advanced cleansing programs, you must be profi cient in
the shorter and less intensive cleanses. Five-day programs achieve
cleansing at a very deep level and will make a huge difference in your
well-being. Get plenty of help, support, and advice prior to, during, and
after the cleanse. Make sure all the ingredients for the cleansing program
have been obtained and prepared before you begin.

a three-stage herbal colon cleanse

Do not attempt when pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not attempt if
taking prescription medication. Do not attempt this cleanse if you
have any fragile bowel conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome,
spastic colon, or Crohn’s disease.
Read through the section on the colon in chapter 9 for vital further
Cleansing the colon is a good initial step, because effi cient waste
disposal is essential in order to prevent the accumulation of debris and
disease. Many modern bowels are accustomed to highly processed food
and drink. The stress of our diet can cause a variety of disorders to arise,
from a wide range of bowel complaints to less-obvious problems in other
parts of the body like skin disorders, general allergies, and so on. A
common problem today is poor stomach activity with depleted digestive
juices, which contributes to making the colon less competent and more
prone to underactivity or over activity. Cleansing the colon is a good
initial step toward increased health and well-being.
You can buy many different herbal colon cleansing programs from
health-food stores. They all basically serve the same function. However,
be careful to choose ones that have not been bulked out with a lot of
psyllium husks. The program below is one that I choose to use with my
patients and have found to be most successful over many years.
The herbalists Dr. Richard Schulze and the late Dr. John Christopher
have designed between them three formulas used sequentially for

cleansing and detoxification 89

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