No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam

(Sean Pound) #1
Glossary 269

Hijaz The region of western Arabia
Hijra The emigration from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) in 622
C.E.; year 1 A.H. (after Hijra) in the Islamic calendar
Iblis The Devil (corruption of Latin diabolus); Satan
ijma Traditionally, the consensus of the Ulama on a specific
legal issue not covered by the Quran and hadith
ijtihad The independent legal judgment of a qualified legal
scholar, or mujtahid
Ikhwan The Wahhabist “holy warriors” who helped the Saudis
capture Arabia
Imam In Shi‘ism, the divinely inspired leader of the community
Islamism An Islamic movement whose primary goal is the estab-
lishment of an Islamic polity
isnad A chain of transmission meant to validate individual
Jahiliyyah The “Time of Ignorance” before the advent of Islam
jihad A struggle or striving
Jinn Imperceptible, salvable spirits, known as “genies” in the
jizyah Protection tax paid by the dhimmi
Ka‘ba The ancient sanctuary at Mecca that housed the tribal
deities of the Hijaz before being cleansed by Muhammad
and rededicated to Allah
kafir An unbeliever
Kahin A soothsayer or ecstatic poet in pre-Islamic Arabia who
received inspirations from the Jinn
kalam Islamic theology
Kharijites Radical sect that broke off from Shi‘ism during Ali’s
Khazraj Along with the Aws, one of the two main pagan Arab
clans in Medina, and the first clan to accept Muhammad’s
khedive Egyptian monarchs under the suzerainty of the British
madrassa Islamic religious school
Mahdi The “Hidden Imam,” who is in occultation until the Last
Days, when he will return to usher in a time of justice

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