SN 8.7.2021 FINAL

(J-Ad) #1
The Sun and News, Saturday, August 7, 2021/ Page 13

Christianity is Under Attack Like Never Before.

The New World Order Cadre Will Not Rest

Until Christianity is Eradicated!!

The one thing that no government in history has ever been able to eradicate is the 2-person home bible study.

So that is what we are recommending for you: a two-person home bible study that will survive
the most difficult times.

Nobody but you and your partner (including ourselves) knows with whom, where, when or even if you meet.

Remember the Lord’s words: “whenever two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst”
Matthew 18:20, “What then should we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Here are some recommendations.

1) As you get started, go to the ICPM (Inner-city Church Planting Mission) website “” and select
Teaching Resources/Teaching Videos for your bible studies. The ICPM has teachings on many different
subjects, in 20 languages.

2) Select one of you to be an elder. Go to the bible and review the requirements for church elders, 1Timothy 3:1-7,
Titus 1:7 and Acts of 20:28.

If the lifestyle of the person that is to become the elder does not fully conform to these requirements, he must
change his lifestyle to conform thereto. That person will then experience divine healing. Although the Lord will
sometimes allow that elder to experience some form of sickness (for God’s glory) in general, the elder’s health
is now in the Lord’s hands.

3) As an elder, the two of you can now practice the healing process described in James, 5:14-15. The ICPM has
practiced this procedure for many years, and we have experienced many miraculous healings by our Lord’s
hands. You will not find a more sure healing procedure anywhere! The ICPM has kept meticulous records on
the results of this procedure over many years. Its records show that the sick person was healed over 90% of the
time. Remember: Spiritual Healing (eternal life) can be yours if you – by faith – “call upon the Lord Jesus Christ”
John 3:16-18; Romans 10:13, and Ephesians 2:8-9.

4) Although you can expand your bible study to more than two members, we recommend keeping the number
down to protect your anonymity.

Paid for by I.C.P.M., 755 Butterworth St. S.W., Grand Rapids MI 49504

Cities for Christ
HIS WORD for the Inner-city


Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the July 21, 2021 Township Board of Trustees
Meeting which were approved on August 4, 2021, are posted at
the Township Offices at 8196 Broadmoor Ave., and on the web-
site at

Strategies to protect mental health

Improving one’s overall
health and maintaining that
health over the long haul can
have a profound impact on
quality of life. For example,
the Harvard Medical School
notes that regular exercise
can slow the natural decline
in physical performance that
occurs as people age. That
means routine exercise can
serve as something like a
fountain of youth that allows
people to keep their cardio-
vascular fitness, metabolism
and muscle function on par
with their younger counter-
When attempting to
improve long-term health,
it’s important that people
emphasize mental health as
much as they do their physi-
cal health. The Anxiety &
Depression Association of
America notes the impor-
tance and effectiveness of
preventive efforts in relation
to depression and anxiety. In
regard to mental health, pre-
vention efforts can function
in much the same way that
exercise serves physical
health. Routine exercise
helps people to maintain

healthy weights, reducing
their risk for various condi-
tions and diseases. Preventive
efforts designed to improve
mental health can signifi-
cantly reduce a person’s risk
for anxiety and depression.
Various techniques and
strategies can be utilized to
promote mental health, and
these three are simple and
highly effective.

  1. Get enough sleep.
    According to the Primary
    Care Collaborative, a not-
    for-profit member organiza-
    tion dedicated to advancing
    an effective and efficient
    health system, sleep and
    mental health are intimately
    related. Sleep loss can con-
    tribute to emotional instabili-
    ty. The amygdala is the part
    of the brain responsible for
    humans’ emotional respons-
    es. When an individual does
    not get enough sleep, his or
    her amygdala goes into over-
    drive, leading to more intense
    emotional reactions. The pre-
    frontal cortex is another part
    of the brain that needs suffi-
    cient sleep to function prop-
    erly. Without it, the prefron-

tal cortex, which is integral
to impulse control, cannot
function properly. Adults can
speak with their physicians
about how much sleep they
should be getting each night.
Those needs change as indi-
viduals age.

  1. Eat a balanced diet.
    A balanced, healthy diet
    doesn’t just benefit the waist-
    line. According to the
    ADAA, a balanced diet that
    includes protein, healthy
    non-saturated fats, fiber, and
    some simple carbohydrates
    can reduce the likelihood
    that mental health issues like
    fatigue, difficulty concen-
    trating and irritability will
    arise during the day.

  2. Volunteer in your com-
    A 2020 study published in
    the Journal of Happiness
    Studies found that people
    who volunteered in the past
    were more satisfied with
    their lives and rated their

overall health as much better
than people who didn’t vol-
unteer. Perhaps the most
noteworthy finding in the
study was that people who
began volunteering with
lower levels of well-being

tended to get the biggest
boost from volunteering.
Volunteering provides oppor-
tunities to socialize, which
can help ward off the loneli-
ness that can sometimes con-
tribute to anxiety and depres-

Mental health is import-
ant, and protecting it should
be part of everyone’s health
care regimen.

Various techniques and strategies can be utilized to promote mental health, and
these three are simple and highly effective.

TK football plans corn hole

tournament at Heritage Days
In addition to opening the
2021 fall season with the first
practice of the year Monday,
Aug. 9, the Thornapple
Kellogg High School foot-
ball program is prepping for
a Corn Hole Tournament
Fundraiser Heritage Days
weekend in Middleville.

The corn hole tournament
will begin at 7:30 p.m.,
Friday Aug. 20 at the com-
munity pavilion downtown
Middleville. The cost to par-
ticipate is $20 per two-per-
son team. Play is open to
anyone high school age and

The first place team wins
$300. There is a $150 prize
for second place and a $
for third. A mystery prize
will go to a randomly select-
ed team in the bracket.
All prizes have been
donated by local businesses,
so 100 percent of entry funds

will benefit the TK High
School football program.
Registration for the tour-
nament can be done at the
Jason Parks Agency in down-
town Middleville.
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