Teaching Organic Farming and Gardening

(Michael S) #1
Making and Using Compost

Unit 1.7 | 5
Instructor’s Lecture Outline

Lecture Outline: Making and Using Compost

for the instructor

A. Pre-Assessment Questions

  1. What is compost?

  2. What are some types of composting and how do they differ?

  3. Why is aerobic, hot composting favored for agricultural/horticultural purposes?

  4. What are advantages of composting over letting materials rot on surface or turning in
    raw materials (e.g., crop residues, raw manure, sawdust)?

B. Benefits of Composting

  1. Advantages of the aerobic, high temperature composting process

a) Stabilizes nitrogen

b) Kills most pathogens and weed seeds

c) Introduces wide population of microbes to the organic matter

d) Reduces volume of wastes

e) Allows for use of raw materials not appropriate for direct use

f) Degrades many contaminants

g) Recycles organic matter on site

  1. Benefits of compost in the soil

a) Improves soil structure, resulting in improved drainage, gas exchange, workability

b) Increases moisture retention

c) Releases nutrients slowly, increases Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)

d) Increases number and diversity of microorganisms in soil

e) Buffers pH

f) Suppresses disease

g) Plays a key role in organic management of soil fertility

  1. Discuss potential disadvantages of composting

a) Cost and time—labor, special equipment

b) Space needed—taking production area

c) Odor or other impacts on neighbors

d) Regulations (larger producers)

C. Biology of the Composting Process

  1. Compost ecosystem overview

a) What makes composting happen? Wide range of decomposers

b) Decomposer organisms play different roles (refer to appendix 1, Compost Food Web)

  1. Key compost organisms and stages of composting

a) Bacteria

i. Aerobic bacteria key to first stages—feed on simple carbons like plant saps first

ii. Multiply quickly

iii. Carbon for energy, nitrogen for building bodies and reproduction

iv. Heat of pile is created as bacteria break down organic matter and respire CO 2

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