Teaching Organic Farming and Gardening

(Michael S) #1
Making and Using Compost

Unit 1.7 | 35

Exploring Sustainability in Agriculture: An Online
Sustainable Agriculture Instructional Resource, Cen-
ter for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

This online resource from the Center for
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
includes a catalogue description and outline
for a comprehensive course on sustainable
agriculture, appropriate for the community
college, state college, or university level. The
outline and annotated resources address topics
in social and environmental sciences; plant, soil,
crop, and animal sciences; pest management;
natural resource management; the adoption
of sustainable agriculture; and the growth and
development of sustainable agriculture and the
organic food industry.

Klickit County, Washington Solid Waste

Resources for calculating the C:N ratio of
compost piles.

National Organic Program

Provides regulations and standards for
meeting composting requirements for organic

Washington State University

WSU’s compost research and education program
provides useful information on large- and small-
scale composting, use of composts, regulations,
and the issue of Clopyralid contamination.

Worm Digest

Information, networking, and resources on all
aspects of vermicomposting.

Do the Rot Thing: The Simple Art of Home Com-
posting. 1998. Alameda, CA: Alameda County
Waste Management Authority and Recycling Board
(20 minutes).
Covers all the basics of home-scale composting.
Free download pdf