98 qqqqqTHE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD^ ...divine secrets to the miraculousqqqqq
appreciate or recognize the ministry of the Spirit
of knowledge in our lives.
Knowledge, according to the Webster
Dictionary, is “the fact or condition of being aware
of something, or knowing something with
familiarity gained through experience or
association.” It also means “acquaintance with or
understanding of a science, art, or technique.”
Knowledge could also mean “the circumstance or
condition of apprehending truth or fact through
However, these definitions would not suffice
for the kind of knowledge we’re dealing with
here—knowledge that comes by the Spirit—
revelation knowledge.
Revelation knowledge is exact knowledge. It
is specific, specialized and absolute knowledge.
It is far removed from sense knowledge, which the
Webster Dictionary has so articulately defined for
us. Revelation knowledge is knowledge from the