A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^144) Agriculture Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
Crop Area (hectares)
Crops with GM > 779 EUR per hectare * 86,936
Present area under irrigation 9,265
Area requiring irrigation 77,671
Planned by the project 65,000
Difference (required - planned) 12,671
Table 8-15: Area with GM higher than the annualised capital cost for the irrigation project

  • without olives
    Source: Znaor 2008.
    Crop Area (hectares) EUR per hectare
    Permanent grassland 265,000 44
    Cereals 542,883 167
    Oil crops 119,661 196
    Arable forage crops 89,358 103
    Potatoes 18,903 389
    Sugar beet 29,370 725
    Vegetables 21,161 2.079
    Raw tobacco 5,131 3.021
    Fresh fruits 30,644 3.441
    Olives 12,357 4.575
    Grapes 30,000 5.819
    Total 1,164,467 478
    Table 8-14: Gross margin (GM) of croatian crop production, annual average for the period 2001-2005 (Znaor 2008)
    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
    EUR ha-1 yr-1
    Permanent grassland
    Arable forage crops
    Oil crops
    Sugar beet
    Cost of irrigation project
    Raw tobacco
    Fresh fruits
    Figure 8-9: Cost of irrigation project investments and GM in crop production.

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