Human Development Report - Croatia 2008 Public Perceptions/ Knowledge about Climate Change^31
Q. 19: “Would you be willing to do any of the following
in order to fight climate change or for environmental
ronmental reasons. This is compared with two-fifths of
respondents nationally who claim to have altered their
transportation habits for environmental reasons. Envi-
ronmental factors may only be part of their reasons
A high percentage of respondents claim they already
behave differently in their daily lives to reduce climate
change. Even more say that they are willing to do so
in the future. The most widely undertaken activities
are reducing energy consumption, reducing water
consumption and using a car less or driving more
efficiently. There is enormous enthusiasm for under-
taking ‘green’ activities in the future. For example, an
incredible 90% of respondents said they would use
environmentally friendly modes of transport. It must
be emphasised, however, that programmes would
need to be developed to translate this interest in help-
ing the environment into reality. For example, almost
four-fifths of respondents in Zagreb (where there are
extensive public transportation networks) say they use
public transportation, walk, or take bicycles for envi-
for doing so and access to actual sustainable means of
transport is probably the most important factor.
Overall, the vast majority of people seem willing to act
in the future, with only 0.4% unwilling to change their
behaviour. Indeed, over 75% stated their willingness
to undertake all the activities suggested by the sur-
vey. Of course, this willingness to act should be taken
as a general indicator, as opposed to an indication of
actual future behavioural change, as people tend to
respond in a socially desirably way when participating
in social surveys. As the EU survey on environmental
attitudes notes^11 , “environmentally friendly attitudes
do not necessarily lead to environmentally friendly ac-
tions.” The real challenge will be to transform the posi-
tive intent of many Croatians into actual actions.
Figure 2-15: Responses to Survey Q. 19
Separate waste for recycling
Reduce disposable item consumption
Buy labelled green products
Use car less/efficient driving
Don’t know
Reduce water consumption
Buy local products or groceries
Reduce energy consumption
Use environmentally friendly transport 90 %
87 %
87 %
87 %
86 %
80 %
79 %
78 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% 80,0% 90,0% 100,0%
Percentage of respondents
Actions willing to undertake for environmental reasons