A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^70) Tourism Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
In addition to “no regrets” options, there are other
steps that could be taken to address vulnerability in
the tourism industry.

  • Develop better information available for deci-
    sion-makers (including the Government and in-
    vestors) about future climate change and its po-
    tential impact to the natural systems that impact
    the tourism sector. This is already taking place to
    some extent through work with the DHMZ and as
    a part of university research. However, activities
    must be coordinated.

  • Develop the capacity to simulate the impacts of
    climate change on tourism and assess the im-
    pacts on the local and national economies.

  • Develop the institutional and analytical capacity
    in the public sector to develop policies and mea-
    sures to facilitate adaptation by the private sector
    to climate change and to assess the benefits and
    costs of these policies and measures.

4.5. Conclusions and

Because of the lack of knowledge about the actual physi-
cal impacts on specific sites, as well as the probable shift
in demand by tourists, recommendations for adaptation
are limited. However, the following “no regrets” steps can
be taken in order to address climate change and human
development in the tourism sector:

  • Continue to focus on “climate-proofing” tour-
    ism in Croatia – including expanding the tourist
    season and enhancing the service capacities and
    products offered within the industry.

  • Encourage measures to increase the energy ef-
    ficiency and ability to keep hotels and buildings
    cool during the hottest months. This will also
    have an impact on emissions reductions.

  • Ensure that information on the tourism indus-
    try, provided by Government-funded research,
    is user-friendly and can be easily accessed by the
    public and stakeholders in particular.

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