Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

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Hamas, 19
Hanafi school, 90–94
haram, 95–96
Harris, Sam: on meeting with
Nawaz, 1–7, 126; support of
Nawaz’ work, 81; talk with
Orthodox Jew, 107–108; “The
End of Liberalism?,” 54. See
also specifi c topics
Hasan, Usama: on citizenship,
110–112, 117; fatwa on the
Islamic state by, 80–82;
reform theology of, 27, 28, 64
hate crimes, 72, 88
hell, 83, 104. See also paradise
as motive for violence
hermeneutics. See interpreta-
tion, textual
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 2, 87
Hizb al- Nahda, 124
Hizbollah, 19
Hizb ut- Tahrir, 9, 12–14, 37, 40,
honor killing, 26
hudud, 95–96
hukm, 94–95
human rights: conservative
Islam and, 26–27; grievances
and, 58–59; of individual
minorities, 51–52; through
pluralism, 105; US foreign
policy and, 57–58. See also
universal values; violence
Hussein, Saddam, 11, 123

Ibn al- Qayyim al- Jawziyyah, 104
Ibn ‘Arabi, 97, 103

Ibn Taymiyyah, 104
identity: ideology vs., 114 –116 ;
tribalism and, 59–60
ideology vs. methodology,
38–39, 41–45. See also
ijma’a, 111
ijtihad, 76. See also interpreting
India, 24, 57, 103
Indonesia, 6n1, 26
infi dels, 80, 83–84, 96,
Intelligence Squared, 2, 6, 87
Internet, 72, 74
interpretation, textual: by
Hanafi school, 90–94;
inconsistencies in, 5, 81–82;
on jihad, 18, 84; literal vs.
linguistic methodology,
94–95; methodology of,
61– 66, 70 –71, 73–79;
preservation vs., 70. See also
Iraq: demo cratic discourse in,
82; foreign intervention in,
10, 11; recruitment in, 12, 34,
72; violence in, 57, 103
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and
Syria), 34, 57, 72, 103, 119
Islam: defi ning, 16–19, 88, 120;
handling criticism of, 87–89;
history of, 63, 98–99, 106;
practices of, 68; as religion of
peace, 2, 5; as religion of war,
4; variability of, 63–64. See
also specifi c topics of

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