Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

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pluralism in scriptural
reasoning, 28, 76–77, 83,
105, 123, 126
police system reform in
UK, 8
po liti cal Islamism, 17–18, 20,
33, 35, 39. See also specifi c
polls, opinion: on shar’iah,
21–22, 32; on suicide
bombing support, 5n1, 32; on
terrorist motives, 32, 33
pork consumption, 68, 78, 80
preservation of historical
documents, 70
prohibitions in Islam. See
alcohol consumption; bacon
propaganda. See recruitment,
protests, religious, 25, 58
Qaddafi , Muammar, 123
Qadri, Mumtaz, 24
Qalandariyya, 78–79
qiyas, 91
Quilliam: goals of, 35, 64,
127; on jihadist insurgency,
118–119; Nawaz’ work in, 16,
Qur’an: burning of, 58; on hell,
103 –104; on infi delity, 80,
83–84; literalism and, 3,
61–63; on martyrdom, 84.
See also hadith; interpreta-
tion, textual
Qutb, Sayyid, 44

racism and race relations:
cartoons and, 33, 56,
89; within Islamist groups, 24;
liberalism and, 46–50; in UK,
8–9. See also bigotry
Radical (Nawaz), 8, 127
radicalization. See extremism
recruitment: elements of, 11,
36–37, 39–40; by Hizb
ut- Tahrir, 9, 12–14; by
jihadists, 72
reformists: vs. fellow- travelers,
55; goals of, 27, 35; interpreta-
tion of texts by, 70–71, 81–82;
Nawaz’ work as, 30–31
regressive leftists, 49–52, 54–56
religion- neutral values, 4, 65,
77, 98
religious conviction, 41–44
repentance, 78–79
revolutionary Islamism, 16–19,
36, 39–41. See also specifi c
Rizvi, Ali A., 85–86, 89,
103 –104
Robinson, Tommy, 52
Roman Empire, 63
sacrifi ce. See martyrdom
Salon, 48
Sanhedrin, 107–108
Saudi Arabia, 26
scriptural reasoning. See
interpretation, textual
scriptures. See hadith; Qur’an
secularism: defi ning, 30–31; in
Muslim communities, 17, 25,

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